Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Feedback by my team to me : U r FORMALDEHYDE Boss ...

Hi Guys !

You are FORMALDEHYDE Boss !!

.. this is the feedback, after leaving my last Organisation, I got from my team !!

If u really wanna understand the meaning or about myself,
please click the following link ...

Well, its not a boss who is good, but its a team & its memebers makes him good .... thanks to each of u for working with me & the for unforgettable contribution in my sucsess :o)

Best of Luck & Chak De ...!!

Law of GARBAGE Truck : are U taking it ...

One day I hopped in a taxi and we took off for the airport. We were driving in the right lane when suddenly a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his breaks, skidded and missed the other car by just inches!

The driver of the other car whipped his head around and started yelling at us. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean he was really friendly.

So I asked, "Why did you just do that? That guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the h

ospital!" That is when my taxi driver taught me what I now call, "The Law of the Garbage Truck".

He explained that many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment.

As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it and sometimes they'll dump it on you.

Don't take it personally.... Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. Don't take their garbage and spread it to other people at work, at home, or on the streets.

The bottom line is that successful people do not let garbage trucks take over their day. Life's too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, So... "Love the people who treat you right. Pray for the ones who don't."

Life is ten percent of what you make it and ninety percent of how you take it !

Keep smiling. Cheers ...!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Giggles to Gears : OUTPERFORMing the challenge …

Three cheers! One for women empowerment, two for young budding automobile designers and the last for world-class opportunity to simulate real-world designs.

The movie ‘3 Idiots’ conveyed the message that education needs to travel beyond the four walls of the classroom and translate into practicality.

Taking a cue, Society of Automotive Engineers of India has organised the JK Tyre Baja SAE India 2010 at Pithampur, Indore, during January 29-31, 2010 in an bid to translate bookish knowledge into a tool that would help in daily living.

This event provides budding mechanical engineers a platform to showcase their potential as automobile designers by building and racing off-road buggies. The main aim of the event is to help engineering students develop and hone their skills in various fields of the industry such as design, planning, production, safety, marketing and costing through designing and building off-road 4-wheelrs for recreational purposes from scratch.

And its really feels wonderful to see my niece, Apoorvi Singhal, also participating in this racing event where one of the evaluator is my ex-colleague, Mathew San.

Well, I congratulate Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Aurangabad for winning the competition. However, my special congratulations to all-girl team from Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Delhi for bagging special Chairman’s special award along with an award of Rs one lakh.

These 10 engineering students from IGIT, Delhi conceptualised their monster ATV called Shark and made sure it hogged the limelight at the event.

In an interview with a leading news-paper, the team has explained about their progress & achievement. "We made a softcopy of our ATV in the month of May and registered for the event. We named our vehicle 'Shark' so that the tough guys from other institutes realise that it won't be a cakewalk for them and we did proved it in the end," said Komal Sethi, captain and 3rd year mechanical automation student of IGIT.

"There were various laps with around 10 to 15 obstacles in each lap. It was in my seventh lap I realized that the transmission to my gear was jammed, so in the dirt track I had to control my ATV with one hand and my other hand was on the gearbox. Then I managed to drive the car for next seven laps with one hand," said daredevil driver of the team, Parul Chadha.
The team gave a nail-biting competition and refused to let anyone take the lead."I made it a point that I would not give up in front of the guys. As the other participants teased us, I became more confident," added the confident Chadha.

Before going to the event the team also practiced at the dirt track near Gurgaon.In 2009, IGIT team could not get any position but this year they finished 13th among the 80 teams across the country. "We tried to make the car as light as possible and made enough space for the driver. We also used wide 10 inches tyre in the front and 12 inches in the rear side," said Komal.

Apoorvi, the core member of this team, has expressed her ambition to participate in similar racing events in future at the global level. Seeing her motivation, confidence, enthusiasm & automation skills I am sure that these girls not only gossip to giggle but also will get the gear of success.

Best of Luck & Chak De !!

Friday, January 8, 2010

2010 : How to predict your Success ...

Hi everybody !

Back after a long silence on web ....engaged in development of 2 important projects of my life .... Launch of india's most awaited H/B car & Birth of my son.

In 2010, the most vital question I need to answer is "How to predict Success?". Just go thru the following situations VIVek (my alterego) is facing ....
VIVek wondered, “What's going to happen to me? What does the future hold?”

He remembers his father saying, “All you can do is hope for the best.” So VIVek hopes and hopes. “I hope I get paid more for my work. I hope people will be more grateful to me. I hope my investments will skyrocket so I can retire. I also hope I win the lottery.”..... After a year of hoping, nothing changes for VIVek.

While watching television, VIVek hears someone say, “We must remember the past to prevent things from happening in the future.” ....So he reviews his mistakes and vows not to repeat them. Another year passes, but still no improvement.

VIVek searches the Internet and learns about fate. “The future is predetermined. It's out of your hands.” .....He concludes, “No one knows what'll happen."

Like many people in this world, VIVek is a spectator. He is waiting for something to happen.

If you could look through a time machine and see 100 years into the future, what would you see?

~If you see a space-age society with incredible computers, robots and space travel, you know the scientists, engineers and technology inventors are the most ambitious.
~If society is wealthy and prosperity is available to all, you know the entrepreneurs, managers and business owners are the most ambitious.
~If you see a world at war and people are getting killed every day, you know arms dealers, terrorists and war-loving politicians are the most ambitious.

To see the future of our world, just look for the most persistent, passionate and intense people and you see the future.
What fires up this powerful ambition in people? How can you make your own future?

“If a man can dream, if a man can have goals, he can be happy and he can be alive. If he has no goals he doesn't even have a future.”

To make your future, try asking yourself, “What should I make happen? What shall I accomplish? What do I WANT in my future?”
The future is like an empty field. No one is playing on it yet. You can run out there and start the game.
While people like VIVek are sitting in the stands, you can go ahead and play the game of life.

Write one of your most important goals for 2010.....Ask yourself, “What future do I predict if I just sit on my hands and wait for this goal to be reached?”

Next, write down one step you can take, right now, toward this important goal.....Ask yourself, “If I do this one step and then another and then another, what is my future?”

And there you have it! You are predicting your future...Cheers !!